This list is excerpted from ADDitude Magazine’s Blog. August is upon us and that means the countdown to the first day of school has started. For some this brings excitement and anticipation while for others it can be great cause of stress and anxiety. Here are ten steps to consider taking BEFORE school starts to… Read more »
Search Results for:
Does Your Child Have Difficulty With Following Directions?
Have you noticed that your child has trouble following directions? Do you notice that your child may have difficulty with completing a task, such as cleaning his/her room, or doing chores without many reminders? Does your child take a while to answer your direct question? Can your child brush his/her teeth each night, but then… Read more »
Preventing “Fraction Phobia”
A recent blog post in edweek discussing “fraction phobia” got us thinking about some of the things that we see regularly when working with many kids in math. For all the back and forth that the implementation of the common core standards has generated about “how” math ought to be taught, one thing that we… Read more »
Learning And Attention Issues: Assistive Technology
Students with learning and attention challenges often find that using assistive technology helps them to focus and/or boost their learning. Assistive technology (AT) can be an easy and effective accommodation to aide students in working around their challenges. The Basics Assistive technology is any device, piece of equipment or system that helps students use their… Read more »
[Strategy]: Summer Reading
As we transition into summer, most students have to read books as a requirement for their next grade level. Many students are happy to do this assignment, perhaps already having read the required and optional books listed. However, there are many students who dread this task and view it as a burden. These students may… Read more »
[Study Strategy]: Studying For A Math Final
We’ve written before on how studying for math exams is different than studying for other classes’ exams. What about preparing for a cumulative math final exam? Well, that’s different too, especially if preparing for the exam involves properly learning concepts that you may not have mastered the first time around. Follow these steps to maximize… Read more »