What to Expect

Users will first receive a Learner Profile that will show the student’s learning strengths and needs on ten cognitive skills across the core domains of speed, executive functions, complex reasoning, and memory. It will show a student’s relative and absolute strengths and needs and provide specific recommendations for supporting that student across subjects.

Students facing the SAT or ACT will also get three Test Prep Reports: SAT, ACT, and Combo. The SAT and ACT reports will project a student’s potential scoring range based on the student’s cognitive skill set and will also suggest those standard test prep strategies that are likely to be most effective given the student’s individual skillset. From this, the report will quantify the degree to which one test is a better fit for a student’s individual skill set than the other.

Please complete the form below to receive the assessment.

Mindprint Assessment Information Form

Please note: Once you complete the form and press “next” you will be directed to schedule a meeting time for a follow-up to go over the results of the assessment. Scheduling the follow-up is required, i.e the form will not submit without scheduling a follow-up meeting. Thank you.

Step 1 of 2
