As the school year progresses, the novelty of the new academic year has worn off, and routine has set in, a student’s motivation to continue to do well on his or her schoolwork may begin to wane. Parents can play a key, proactive role in helping to keep a student interested in school and motivated… Read more »
Using Games As A Way To Improve Working Memory.
In our February 3rd blog “Improving Working Memory,” we defined working memory as “the part of memory that helps us hold various bits of data on line…A common observation in children who struggle with learning is that they have a hard time holding more than one thing in mind at a time.” Families often struggle… Read more »
Is It ADHD? A Learning Style Difference? Both?
A recent opinion piece in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, entitled, “Looking Before Leaping in Diagnosing ADHD Kids”, cautions that the recently documented rise in the rate of diagnosis of ADHD in American children could have its roots in a variety of factors other than an actual increase in the prevalence of the disorder. As… Read more »
Thoughts On “Waiting For Superman.”
A few years ago, I worked at an urban school in South East San Jose. As a fairly new teacher, I found a group of experienced, skilled mentors who were always willing to help. My first year was enjoyable, but challenging. I remember thinking that someone should make a documentary about the public school system… Read more »
Improved Working Memory: Potentially Effective Intervention?
Working memory is the part of memory that helps us hold various bits of ‘data’ online – it’s like cache memory in a computer. A common observation in children who struggle with learning is that they have a hard time holding more than one thing in mind at one time – think of the typical… Read more »
Disclosing The Diagnosis To Your Child: Harmful Or Helpful?
After the sometimes emotional and frustrating process that often leads to getting a child a psychoeducational evaluation, many parents are relieved to hear that there is a reason behind their child’s struggles. That relief, however, may be quickly replaced by the overwhelming question, “What do we tell our child?” Long ago, the prevailing advice was… Read more »