Many students will benefit from a degree of preplanned structure and habit when it comes to study space. Here are some thoughts to consider when creating a study space for your student. General Principle: Focus on what you want to accomplish, not how you want things to look. Location Start your thinking from the end… Read more »
“I’ve Never Seen That Before”
Here’s a useful bit of information for students that feel like their teacher has asked them things on a test or quiz that they have “never seen before.” Often times, your teacher is trying to assess whether you have really mastered a subject. This may mean asking you to answer a question that requires you to… Read more »
Fun Activities to Keep Your Student Sharp Over the Holidays
Winter break is right around the corner, and before you know it your children will be waking up at 10:30 in the morning, half-stumbling into the kitchen, bleary-eyed and groggy, wondering where their breakfast is. So unless you get a head start on planning some exciting winter activities that will keep your child sharp and… Read more »
Prepping for Finals with Your Tutor
For many students, entering December means starting to get ready for semester finals. The tips below were created for students that are using a tutor, but many are useful irrespective of whether a student is using a tutor or not. Good luck! Use tutoring time to create a two-week study calendar. Plan ahead. Be sure… Read more »
Fidgeting to Improve Focus
During the academic year after school, right as they come to our offices, some of our students with ADHD that are taking medication to help manage their attention issues begin to feel their medication wearing off. Medications often have a limited window of effectiveness that is sometimes shorter than the time during which a student… Read more »
In Math, Sometimes “Old School” is the Way to Go.
A recent “Opinion” piece in Time Magazine extolling the merits of having students learn “old school basics” got us thinking about some of the challenges we see students facing, particularly in mathematics. It may seem obvious to state that having a solid foundation in math basics is an essential component in mathematics success. However, in… Read more »