For many students, entering December means starting to get ready for semester finals. The tips below were created for students that are using a tutor, but many are useful irrespective of whether a student is using a tutor or not. Good luck!
- Use tutoring time to create a two-week study calendar.
- Plan ahead. Be sure to bring the right materials for the job. Do you have all your old tests? Notes? Teachers’ guides?
- Review old tests. Your tutor can help you identify the weaknesses from past test results to focus attention on the most useful areas for improvement.
- Use a highlighter pen to go over key points in your old tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and notes.
- Have a conversation with your tutor about the best way to study for each task. Your tutor can suggest strategies that match your skills with the task at hand. What works for Fred may not work for Wilma.
- Remember that just because things look familiar when you go over them, it does not mean you can do what you needed to on the test. Work with your tutor to create good ways to quiz yourself. For example, in math, you may want to go over the end-of-chapter review on your own so you can come to tutoring to go over the problem areas.
- Your tutor may think it is helpful to act as your “secretary” for note-taking. Don’t count on this; it’s not for everyone. For some, though, it serves a productive purpose to relieve the student of the typing/writing burden. For example, it is a good use of time for a tutor to type a list of key points a student may dictate in response to potential essay questions. The student is able to focus on organizing thought and elaborating on details because she is free from the writing elements.
- Check with your tutor to see if extra time is available. Openings sometimes occur in schedules as the year winds down, and it may be possible to get some extra help at this critical time.
- Consider adding a weekend study session. Not all tutors are able to provide this, and there may be an extra charge for these “off-hours,” but it may be worth it. Weekends may also allow for some extended sessions in which several hours can be dedicated to completion of a major final project.
Got other tips? Let’s hear them!