Student Information Form Student's name:* First Last Tutor:* Birth date:* School:* Grade:* Name of Parent or Guardian #1:* First Last Name of Parent or Guardian #2 (Optional): First Last Primary Phone Number:*Home Address:* Street Address Address Line 2 City State ZIP / Postal Code Mobile Phone (Parent 1):*Mobile Phone (Parent 2):*Email Address (Parent 1):* Email Address (Parent 2):* Student Mobile Phone (optional):Student Email Address (optional): Please indicate a contact preference order (1, 2, 3, etc.) for all phone numbers, home and/or mobile:*Primary PhoneMobile Phone (Parent 1)Mobile Phone (Parent 2)Student PhoneIs email a reliable way to communicate with you?* Yes No May we contact you via email with QWERTY-related news? (2-3 times yearly)* Yes No Do you use Facebook?* Yes No Do you use Nextdoor?* Yes No Have you ever written a Yelp! review?* Yes No Alternate contact(s) in case of emergency (name, relationship, contact phone #):*Are there any medical concerns to be aware of while this student is working at QWERTY (possible diabetic reaction, seizures, allergies, etc.)?*Enter "None" if none.Special instructions in the event of a medical or other emergency:*Please confirm your EMAIL address for billing (PDF format):*(Write "Paper" if you prefer bills sent via USPS to your home address): Billing: Payment is due during the month in which your PDF invoice is received by mail or email. We encourage email to save paper. Please make certain that the following email address is saved in your address book: A non-optional late fee of $10 will be added for payments received after the due date. Payment 2 months late are subject to an additional $30 late fee, and 3 months late will be subject to an additional $60 late fee. Your prompt payment helps simplify our accounting and is sincerely appreciated.Fees: Tutoring: $145/hr on schedule and $165 off schedule. $725 Spotlight Tutoring Package Co-Pilot Tutoring $105 per hour Standardized Test Prep: $150 per hour on schedule and $170 per hour off schedule. Executive Functions Coaching $150 per hour Writing Workshops (8 sixty-minute sessions, Monday through Thursday for 2 consecutive weeks): $640 College Essay Writing: Introductory Package (4 sessions): $540, Additional Sessions: $150 per hour Scheduling and Cancellation: Please phone as far in advance as possible if you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, providing the reason for the absence. You will be billed for appointments missed without reasonable notice. Students may attend tutoring on school holidays, if they choose and the tutor is available. Since holiday schedules vary in different schools, it is your responsibility to confirm your schedule for those days.Please type your full name to certify that you have read and understand the above.* First Last Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY How did you hear about us?Did you learn about us from another past or present family that has worked with us?* Yes No Name:* First Last Were you referred to QWERTY by a professional? (Teacher/Education Professional/Other).* Yes No Name:* First Last What is this person's profession? (Teacher/Educational Professional/Other).* Did you hear about QWERTY through a Website or Social Media? (please select all that apply)* Google Search Bing/Yahoo Other Search Engine Facebook Twitter Nextdoor Yelp! Instagram Other None Search words used (if known):* Other Referral Source (please specify or name):* CAPTCHA