[Student Organization Strategy]: Color Coding

A simple way to help your child with organizational issues become more organized is to use color. Adding color to your everyday routine can help kids keep track of their things at home and school.  Having good organizational skills contributes to students’ feelings that they are in control of their learning.

“Color-coding can turn a massive or confused mess of files into a manageable information system by providing a cue for immediate identification.”

  • Use different colored bags for different kinds of gear


Soccer supplies in a yellow bag, ballet is in blue, etc. Label each bag with the activity to make it even easier.

  • Color code the family calendar

Assign each family member a different color for his or her activities. If you use a digital calendar like Google you can assign different colors under the ‘settings’ tab.

  • Use different-colored supplies for each school subject

Give each class its own color and continue that scheme using storage bins for class-specific supplies on your child’s desk or homework area.

  • Use different-colored bracelets as homework reminders

image2Once each subject is color-coded your student can use corresponding colored rubber bracelets to remember homework. For example, encourage her to slip on a red bracelet when she gets a math assignment.

  • Create a note-taking system with different colored highlighters

It is easier to scan for information when each color provides a specific purpose. For example, highlight vocabulary words in yellow, topic sentences in green and main ideas in pink. Most word processing programs have a built-in highlighting function so this can easily be done while typing, too.

  • Color-coded to-do lists

Use different colored sticky notes to keep track of when things are due, upcoming tests, or appointments.

You can find many encouraging ideas on how to help your child become organized. Labeling, sorting and color-coding are just the beginning. Use a system your child will buy into and actually use.  Organizational skills don’t come easy and they may be something you have to teach and model for your child.


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